Innkeeper Documentation
Events Page

Events Page Overview

Welcome to the Events Page! This page provides valuable insights into upcoming events around your property. Here's a breakdown of the data you'll find and how it can help you maximize your revenue with Innkeeper's AI pricing algorithms.

Insights Header

At the top of the page, you'll see the Insights Header. This section displays your property's name and address, along with a bold headline indicating that the insights are for the next 90 days.

Insights Data

The Insights Data section provides a summary of key metrics for the upcoming events:

  • Predicted Attendance: The total number of attendees expected at the events.
  • Predicted Event Spend (USD): The total amount of money expected to be spent at the events.
  • Attended Events: The number of events that will have in person attendance.
  • Non-Attended Events: The number of events that will not have in person attendance.
  • Unscheduled Events: The number of events that are yet to be scheduled.

These metrics help you understand the potential impact of upcoming events on your property.

Events List

The Events List section provides detailed information about each event within a few miles of your property. For each event, you'll see:

  • Rank: A visual representation of the event's rank.
  • Title: The name of the event.
  • Estimated Attendance: The expected number of attendees.
  • Address: The location of the event.
  • Dates: The start and end dates of the event.
  • Labels: Tags associated with the event.
  • Predicted Spend: The expected spend in various categories such as accommodation, hospitality, and transportation.

Location Map

The Location Map section shows a map with markers for each event's location. This helps you visualize where the events are happening in relation to your property.

Events Page Screenshot

How We Use This Data

At Innkeeper, we use the data from the Events Page in our AI pricing algorithms to help you maximize your revenue. By understanding the potential demand from upcoming events, our algorithms can adjust your pricing strategy to ensure you get the best possible rates.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us at or book a demo at (opens in a new tab).

Thanks for using Innkeeper!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Happy hosting!

The Innkeeper Team