Innkeeper Documentation

Rate Notifications

Competitor Rate Change Notifications

Stay one step ahead of your competition with our real-time competitor rate change notifications. Whenever a competitor adjusts their rates, you'll receive an instant SMS alert, empowering you to make informed pricing decisions on the fly.

Phone notification example

How it Works

  1. Our AI constantly monitors your competitors' rates across various booking platforms.
  2. When a rate change is detected, our system analyzes the data and determines if it's significant enough to warrant a notification.
  3. If the rate change meets our notification criteria, you'll receive an SMS alert within minutes of the change.
  4. If you have a PMS connected we can also update your rates automatically.

Configuring Competitor Rate Change Notifications

To set up or modify your competitor rate change notification settings:

  1. Go to Account Settings > Notifications.
  2. Scroll down to the Competitor Rate Change Notifications section.
  3. Check the Text Message box to receive notifications via SMS.
  4. Modify the frequency of the messages using the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Save Changes to apply your settings.

With real-time competitor rate change notifications, you'll never miss an opportunity to optimize your pricing strategy and maximize your revenue.

Watch the video below for a visual guide on setting up notifications:

Coming Soon

  • STAR Reports: Support for receiving STAR reports via email
  • Live Email Updates: We are working on implementing live email updates, which will be available soon.